
Posted Leave a commentPosted in Childhood, Kids, Parents, Switzerland

  It was in my first class. I was seven. I had to do those additions: 6+7=12 or 13? 5+8=24 or 23 or 22? I was looking at my fingers, counting, recounting and I was so nervous about these figures. They were turning around in my head. I walked to my teacher, an elderly woman, […]


Posted Leave a commentPosted in Boys, Childhood, People, Switzerland, Thinking

    Little boy is a very sunny, caring and clever kid, and his self-confidence is big. I often tell him how great he is. For example, during his violin lesson he is talking without fear telling his teacher why it has been difficult to rehearse, why it has been easy to play this way […]


Posted 1 CommentPosted in Boys, Switzerland, Thinking

  Fortunately, my two boys are rather bright. Even too bright when I want them to spend less time on their computers or smartphones and when I want to lock them for a certain time. They are hiding their machines telling me totally innocently they haven’t seen them for a while. But it is great […]