Conversation between brothers: Scene 19
7.35 p.m. before school
Little boy: “Mom, he’s insulting me.”
Big boy: “Oh… you’ve got such a bad breath.”
Little boy: “Shut up.”
Big boy: “Don’t touch me.”
Little boy: “Stop…”
Big boy: “He’s beating me without a reason.”
Little boy: “Oh… poor you!”
Big boy: “Mom, tell him to stop.”
Little boy: “Who started first?
Big boy: “You started first!”
Little boy: “No, you were standing in my way.”
Big boy: “Oh… poor you.”
Little boy: “Mom, he’s so mean to me.”
Big boy: “Oh… tell Mom, poor kid.”
Little boy: “You’re such a pain in my a…!”
Mom: “Stoppppp…. it’s time to prepare for school.”