Conversation between brothers: Scene 18
13.17 p.m. after lunch
Big boy: “Hey, you have to clean up the kitchen.”
Little boy: “It’s not my turn.”
Big boy: “Sure. It’s yours. I did it last week.”
Little boy: “Hmm…”
Big boy: “You have to clean the pan and salad bowl, too.”
Little boy: “No….”
Big boy: “But, it’s part of it.”
Little boy: “Do you think I do all this?”
Big boy: “You have to.”
Little boy: “Hmm …”
Big boy: “It did it yesterday.”
Little boy: “But, you didn’t clean the pans.”
Big boy: “Sure, because I wanted to do something nice for mom.”
Little boy: “Oh…”
Big boy: “You could do something nice to her, too.”
Little boy: “I don’t feel like it.”
Big boy: “You are such an egoist.”