When you have to start your day with a discussion about orange trousers, I guess you have pubescent teenagers in your household, too.
If you don’t live with kids, I guess you imagine this discussion rather funny.
But I tell you: it is not funny at all. Big boy puts on his younger brother’s trousers because he thinks them being so much cooler than all his collection of jeans.
Little boy doesn’t have a big collection of jeans but just two pairs of trousers and only one pair washed at the moment: the orange ones.
Big boy being pubescent thinks that he couldn’t go to school this day without orange trousers.
I guess you think it will be easy to handle that this pair of trousers will be handed from Big boy to Little boy.
No, you are wrong because you don’t know how teenagers are functioning.
They want to argue half an hour, they want to check out the limits and nerves of their mothers. And as their mother you have to argue if you want to or not.
Today, three days after the discussion, I am already laughing. But I tell you: honestly, I was so angry and felt so powerless that special morning.